Do you control your mindset or does it control you?

If we want to be our best, achieve our goals and do the things that matter most, we must control our mindset.

Having worked closely with many, many women over the years, I’ve come to recognise that some mindset shifts can have a massive positive impact on how we think, what we do, and how we are.

My top five mindset shifts will help you reach your full potential and achieve your dreams:

1. I am worthy

So many of us struggle with feelings of worthyness and being enough. I am here to tell you that YOU ARE WORTH IT. Whatever it looks like to you. The reason so many women don’t prioritise self-care, don’t say no to things we don’t want to do, don’t have healthy boundaries in place is this: we don’t believe we are worthy of it. Feeling unworthy often shows up as imposter syndrome, downplaying our accomplishments, listening to that nasty little voice in your head telling you that you aren’t good enough, feeling like you’re being judged for putting yourself first.

When we recognise and affirm our own self-worth, celebrate our achievements, acknowledge our value, we will be more confident, resilient and have a more positive self-image.

2. I trust myself

Also known as backing yourself. When we listen to our instincts, understand our capabilities and stand by our decisions, we show strength, independence and confidence. It’s all too easy to listen to the external influences and societal expectations that lead to self-doubt creeping in.

When you trust yourself, you are far more likely to understand and listen to your intuition, make decisions based on YOUR values and priorities, and navigate challenges with self-assurance.

3. I let myself feel my emotions

Brené Brown’s work has been a game-changer for so many women, as she gives you permission to feel your emotions.

I can’t count the number of times I silently cried in the toilets at work, or screamed in frustration in the car on my way home as I had been taught to ‘suck it up’, because feeling emotions that didn’t involve smiling was a sign of weakness. Of course, the reason I often wanted to cry was because a male colleague was expressing a loud and negative emotion (i.e. anger), which was totally permissible…

We all feel many emotions over a day – learn how to name and describe how you’re feeling, think about the intensity of your emotion and write down how you feel so you can gain a deeper perspective of that emotion.

When we embrace emotional authenticity, we become more self-aware, emotionally intelligent and have deeper connections with ourselves and others.

4. I choose my life

Life is a choice and the sooner you realise this the happier you will be. Making intentional decisions about how you want to live will empower you to take control of your destiny. Every decision you make – from what time you get up in the morning, to who you spend time with to the work you do to how much time you spend scrolling on Instagram – is a choice.

Affirming, "I choose my life," means you will be an active participant in your life rather than a passive bystander. Does this sound a bit harsh? It’s meant to. Understanding you DO have choices will help you with decision-making, goal-setting, and committing to living a life your way, in alignment with your values and dreams.

5. I take action

Step away from the procrastination and perfection mindsets and take action! One of my mantras is ‘take imperfect action’, which has allowed me to do so many more things than I ever imagined possible.

This mindset is the one that will propel your dreams into reality. Figure out what you want to achieve, put a plan in place, and take the necessary action to get it done.

Do any of these resonate with you? Are there any you’re going to try? Or are you already living life with these mindsets?


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